Yea Winter! Finally, after much anticipation ATP is beginning to look like it should at the first of the year.
Appaljack is currently open with some small & fun progression rails and boxes scattered about. Look for features in Appaljack to change daily, but during the holiday week the overlying theme will be small, fun, and designed for progressing tricks. As of today, Appaljack has: 16’ Flat Down Combo Rail, 16’ Flat Box, 14’ Down Flat Down Box, 18’ Flat Rail, 20’ Flat Rail, 20’ Mailbox, 14’ A-Frame Box, and a Kicker Box to Doghouse Feature.
Appal Jam will be completely rebuilt tonight for the upcoming Fresh Friday with STZ / Canvassed Apparel. Snow levels are higher in Appal Jam than anywhere else on the mountain by far, due to the favorable wind conditions, as well as the concentration of Super Pole Cat Snow Machines in this park. Appal Jam will showcase completely new features that haven’t been out yet this season (and did someone say a mellow jump possibly?!?)
Friday looks like a great day to shred, with partly cloudy skies and moderate temps. Don’t miss our first Fresh Friday of the season – now that its officially on!