Park Shots 2008-09
Photo highlights from the 2008-09 season.
Photo highlights from the 2008-09 season.
ATP’s final Fresh Friday finished off a great season of some new and progressive setups.
Photo highlights from the Fresh Fridays series 2008-09.
A few quick laps through the Appaljack Terrain Park with Charlie Owens, Brian Cook, and Charlie Jonas.
ATP’s third event of its Shred for the Cup series went off in the middle of a huge snowstorm.
Introducing ATP’s signature Red Bull Wallride, set up in the Appal Jam Terrain Park.
Couple laps with KJ and Sanchez to a hot Atmosphere track.
Some action in the Appaljack Terrain Park on three new setups for ATP’s fifth Fresh Friday.
ATP’s second event of the Shred for the Cup series – going down on three of the nicest jumps of the season.
The fourth Fresh Friday at ATP highlighted the region’s first channel gap.
ATP’s third Fresh Friday introduced the signature Logo box and also a Juice box combo.
Our first Ladies Park Night of the 2008-09 season featured a girls-only custom park setup in Candied Appal.
Ryan’s Shred for Sarcoma – Remembering a good friend with a session on a 20′ Up box and a Flat Down Combo rail.
ATP’s first event of its signature Shred for the Cup series – the Slopestyle, going down in the Appal Jam Terrain Park.
Getting the 2008-09 event season off to a great start, the session included a 30′ Down Flat Down box and a 16′ rainbow box step up.