Park Shots 2007-08
Highlights from the 2007-08 season.
Highlights from the 2007-08 season.
A few photos from the Fresh Fridays series 2007-08.
The second session of ATP’s Fresh Friday series for the 2007-08 season.
The premier session of ATP’s Fresh Friday series.
Great to be back on the snow, especially with some mellow park features!
Here’s a peek at some of the ATP projects from Summer 2007.
The final park event of the 06-07 season, featuring a box combo and a 33′ handrail.
A few shots in both parks, with a new picnic table setup.
Photo highlights from the inaugural Shred for the Cup series 2006-07.
One of 4 stops in North America, the Forum Youngblood featured some never before seen features.
Photos highlighting the large tabletop in the Appaljack park from 2007.